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Who are we?

The company “Binza ‘e su Re” was founded in February in the year 2015 and started out with about 9 hectares of vineyards.

The choice of the name, who’s direct translation from Sardinian is “The Kings Vineyard”, derives from the place where the family home is located, but it also pays ode to the “King”...


Located in the north-west of Sardinia, between Logudoro and Nurra, surrounded by hilly reliefs, Usini, who’s meaning derives from the Greek toponym Usune or Euxenos translates to “hospitable place”, is a town of around 4,400 inhabitants that funds its economy though the enhancement of its territory.

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The Wines

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Vermentino di Sardegna Doc

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Isola dei Nuraghi IGT, Cagnulari

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Cannonau of Sardinia DOC