Cannonau of Sardinia DOC
Tùmbaru refers to the wild herbs widespread in poor and stony soils of various places in Sardinia, where today a quality viticulture is practiced: the cicerbita muraria, admired for its characteristic purple cluster flowers; the crispignolo or “Bardu Pinzone” whose leaves are eaten as a salad.
Classification: Cannonau of Sardinia DOC
Grapes: Cannonau 100%
Soil type: Hilly land at about 180m. Good calcareous structure associated with clayey fractions.
ExposureSouth – South East.
Climate: The different temperatures recorded between day and night, allow a perfect aging of the grapes that give rise to this wine. A terroir conditioned by the proximity of the sea, which with its summer breezes positively conditions the microclimate and the vegetative balance of the Cannonau vine plants.
Training system: The vine pruned in guyot and bred as an espalier allows to obtain a good relationship between fruit and the plant
Resa per ettaro: 65
Resa in vino: 40 hl/ha
Harvest: Between the end of September and the first days of October the Cannonau grapes are harvested manually.
Vinification technique: After careful selection of the grapes, the latter are destemmed and sent to maceration. It takes 25-30 days to complete the entire fermentation cycle, at the end of which malolactic fermentation and the consequent softening and stabilisation of the phenolic components are triggered, decisive for the quality of the wine produced.
Organoleptic Characteristics: It offers fruity hints of morello cherry, wild strawberry and currants. The taste is warm, dense, and soft, accompanied by well-rounded tannins. Finishes on flavours of black cherry.