bottiglia-Pinta-Binzaesure-azienda-vinicola-vini-Sardegna-Usini-Francesco Manca


Isola dei Nuraghi IGT, Cagnulari

Pinta is a wine made from Cangulari grapes from the Calaresu and Pirapeglias vineyards. The image of a vineyard is a succession of rows that create a linear and orderly landscape. 

“Pinta” is the classic view of the vineyard that is observed when the rows are perfectly traced.



Classification: Isola dei Nuraghi IGT Cagnulari 


Grapes: Cagnulari 100% 


Soil typeHilly terrain at 180m. predominately calcareous of good structure, tending to be slightly loose. 


ExposureSouth – South East. 


Climate: The plateau on which the vineyards lie, enjoys an ideal microclimate for the cultivation of this unique vine. Widespread mainly in this area of Sardinia and which in Usini seems to have found its ideal habitat. 


Training systemThe vines are grown as an espalier, while pruning is guyot. 


Resa per ettaro: 65
Resa in vino: 40 hl/ha 


Harvest: You have to wait until the end of September to harvest these grapes at the right maturity, gently and in small baskets. 


VinificationThe grapes suitably selected are destemmed and then crushed. The very delicate skins of Cagnulari are subjected to a long maceration at a temperature of 25 degrees, during which very few pumping over is carried out. The wine completes its aging in thermo-conditioned steel vats.


Organoleptic Characteristics: Deep ruby red colour, impenetrable and consistent. The nose is intense and the notes are reminiscent of myrtle berries and blackberries along with nuances of Mediterranean scrub. When tasted it is rich and juicy, revealing round and elegant tannins. The acidity would be described as fresh in the mouth and full of balance to pair with the alcohol content.