The oldest evidence of human settlements dates back to the recent Neolithic, 3200 - 2800 BC. C., as demonstrated by the presence of numerous domus de janas

Located in the north-west of Sardinia, between Logudoro and Nurra, surrounded by hilly reliefs, Usini, who’s meaning derives from the Greek toponym Usune or Euxenos translates to “hospitable place”, is a town of around 4,400 inhabitants that funds its economy though the enhancement of its territory. The oldest evidence of human settlements dates back to the Neolithic (3200-2800BC).

Favourable geographical conditions and the existence of fertile soil suitable for cultivation, thanks to the abundant presence of spring and river waters, favoured the birth and survival of pre Nuragic populations. The territory also records some allocations in the period of Punic domination, but also at the time of republican and imperial Rome there were numerous settlements.

In the second half of the 19th century, with the redemption of the feudal areas, the territory of Usini was divided into lots of 2 hectares each. The typical form of community land management that for centuries characterised the agricultural economy in Sardinia, was overcome by a new form of land management that later led the country to a new development and also to grow through an economy that was however based mainly on the agricultural sector. Agriculture in fact is the main source of income for most inhabitants of the territory.

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domus-pilastro-e-focolare-usini (1)-Binzaesure-azienda-vinicola-vini-Sardegna-Usini-Francesco Manca
Domus de janas S'Elighe Entosu